SHHhhhh Secrets
Secret Manager
About the Secret Manager
- The Secret Manager tool stores sensitive data during the development of an ASP.NET Core project.
- In this context, a piece of sensitive data is an app secret.
- App secrets are stored in a separate location from the project tree.
- The app secrets are associated with a specific project or shared across several projects.
- The app secrets aren't checked into source control.
- The Secret Manager tool doesn't encrypt the stored secrets and shouldn't be treated as a trusted store.
- It's for development purposes only.
- The keys and values are stored in a JSON configuration file in the user profile directory.
Enable Secret Storage
- .NET CLI Command:
dotnet user-secrets init
- The preceding command adds a UserSecretsId element within a PropertyGroup of the project file.
- By default, the inner text of UserSecretsId is a GUID. The inner text is arbitrary, but is unique to the project.
- Visual Studio UI:
In Visual Studio, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and select Manage User Secrets from the context menu.
- This gesture adds a UserSecretsId element, populated with a GUID, to the project file.
Set a Secret
- Define an app secret consisting of a key and its value.
- The secret is associated with the project's UserSecretsId value.
- .NET CLI Command:
dotnet user-secrets set "Movies:ServiceApiKey" "12345"
- The Secret Manager tool can be used from other directories too.
- Use the --project option to supply the file system path at which the project file exists.
dotnet user-secrets set "Movies:ServiceApiKey" "12345" --project "C:\apps\WebApp1\src\WebApp1"
- Set multiple secrets
- A batch of secrets can be set by piping JSON to the set command.
type .\input.json | dotnet user-secrets set
- Visual Studio UI:
Visual Studio's Manage User Secrets gesture opens a secrets.json file in the text editor.
- Replace / Edit the contents of secrets.json with the key-value pairs to be stored.
- The JSON structure is flattened after modifications via dotnet user-secrets remove or dotnet user-secrets set
Access a secret
- Register the user secrets configuration source (just create a new project )
- The user secrets configuration provider registers the appropriate configuration source with the .NET Configuration API.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
- WebApplication.CreateBuilder initializes a new instance of the WebApplicationBuilder class with preconfigured defaults.
- The initialized WebApplicationBuilder (builder) provides default configuration and calls AddUserSecrets when the EnvironmentName is Development
- Read the secret via the Configuration API
var moviesApiKey = _config["Movies:ServiceApiKey"];
List the secrets
.NET CLI Command:
dotnet user-secrets list
- from the directory in which the project file exists
Visual Studio UI:
In Visual Studio, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and select Manage User Secrets from the context menu.
- This gesture loads the secrets.json file.
Remove a single secret
.NET CLI Command:
dotnet user-secrets remove "Movies:ConnectionString"
- from the directory in which the project file exists
Visual Studio UI:
- Delete the key value pair you want to remove from the secrets.json file, keeping the JSON structure valid.
Remove all secrets
.NET CLI Command:
dotnet user-secrets clear
- from the directory in which the project file exists
Visual Studio UI:
- Modify secrets.json to look like
- Modify secrets.json to look like
Development set up on IIS
- The Secrets Manager creates and updates the secrets/json file in the logged in user's directory.
- When the app is set up on IIS the code tries to find the secrets.json file in the directory of the running Application Pool User.
- After each update to the secrets.json file the following commands must be run in Powershell.
- cd C:\Users
- cd [AppPoolName]
- cd AppData
- cd Roaming
- cd Microsoft
- mkdir UserSecrets
- only for First time Set Up
- cd .\UserSecrets\
- mkdir [ProjectId]
- only for First time Set Up
- cd .\[ProjectId]\
- Copy-Item -Path "C:\Users\[LoggedInUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets\[ProjectId]\secrets.json" -Destination "C:\Users\[AppPoolName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets\[ProjectId]" -Force
Enviroment Variables
Production set up on IIS
- If Enviroment variables are set for a user and not the whole system, the user must be the user from the IIS Application Pool.