User Management
In our web application, user management is how we control who can do what inside the app.
What Are Users?
A user is simply anyone who has an account in the app.
Every user has certain details, like their name, email, and role.
These details are stored as claims, which help the system understand what the user can access or do.
For example, a user might be able to view documents but not edit them, or they might have full access to manage everything in the app.
Username | Role | Enabled | Action | |
username1 | | SuperAdmin | True | |
username2 | | Viewer | False |
What Are Claims?
Authorization is based on claims which are information about each user, role, permissions, and other details.
It helps the system know what each person should be able to see or do.
Roles as well as special user claims are attached to users, the system uses them to control what features each user can access.
When you add or edit a user or role, the system updates the claims associated with each.
What Are Roles?
A role defines what kind of user you are.
For example, a user might be assigned one of these roles
Has full control over the app, including managing other users and changing settings.
Can create, edit, or delete content, but can't manage users.
Can only see content, but can't make changes.
Role name | Actions |
Admin | |
Editor |
How Can You Manage Users and Roles?
In the web app, administrators (or users with special permissions) can manage both users and roles.
This means they can add new users, assign roles to them, edit their details, or even delete them if needed.
Adding a New User
To add a new user, you can click the "Add User" button.
This will allow you to create an account for someone who needs access to the app.
You’ll need to enter basic information, like their name, email, and the role you want to assign to them.
Once added, this user will have access to the app according to the permissions tied to their role.
Adding a New Role
Roles are essential for determining what users can and can’t do.
To create a new role, you can click the "Add Role" button.
When you add a role, you’ll define what permissions that role has — such as whether they can edit content, manage users, or just view information.
After creating a new role, you can assign it to any user, depending on their responsibilities.
Editing a User or Role
If you need to change a user’s details or update their role, you can click the "Edit" button next to their name.
This will allow you to modify their information (like their name, email, or assigned role) or change their permissions.
- For example, if someone’s role needs to be updated from Viewer to Editor, you can change their role so they can start editing content in the app.
You can also edit roles to adjust the permissions attached to them.
- For example, you could add a permission to a role that allows users to delete content or access advanced settings.
Deleting a User or Role
If a user no longer needs access to the app, you can click the "Delete" button next to their name to remove them. Deleting a user will revoke their access, and they will no longer be able to log in.
Similarly, if a role is no longer needed or you want to remove it from the app, you can delete the role. This will ensure that no one can be assigned that role in the future.
In this web app, user management based on claims makes it easy to control who can access what and what they can do.
By using roles (like Admin, Editor, or Viewer) and claims (such as permissions and attributes), the system makes sure that users have the right access to features and content.
As an admin, you can add new users, assign roles, edit user details, and delete users or roles when needed.
This approach helps keep the app organized, secure, and easy to manage, ensuring everyone has the right access to do their work efficiently!
In order for any changes to take effect you must log out and log in again !
For more information, check the User Management Documentation here.